sdFilterMe is a simple light-weight jQuery plugin to easily filter and order portfolio, articles, gallery, etc.
UAParser.js is a JavaScript-based User-Agent string parser. Supports browser & node.js environment. Also available as jQuery/Zepto plugin, Bower/Meteor package, & RequireJS/AMD module.
Flexdatalist is jQuery autocomplete plugin with support for <datalist>
. There are many options, methods and events to customize plugin.
Schedule Template is a simple template that lets you display events on a timeline, as well as organize them in groups (week days, conference rooms etc…)
jQuery.textcomplete is a jQuery plugin that introduces autocompleting power to textareas, like a GitHub comment form has.
A tutorial about creating Responsive Flip Pricing Table to view month or year price by using jQuery and CSS.
jQuery WebFonts extension adds font embedding capability to jquery using the WebFonts technology. The extension provides a flexible way to choose font from a font repository and apply on html elements.
Lettering.js is a lightweight, easy to use Javascript span
injector for radical Web Typography.
Easy Tree is a jQuery plugin that can convert an un-order list to a tree easily with Bootstrap 3 support. Tree items can be selectable, addable, editable and deletable.
jQuery UI Month Picker plugin is designed to allow user input for only a month and year when only that input is required.
Month Picker has lots of options for date validation, setting the start year, using an icon button, input masking, internationalization, localization and more.
Gradientify is a simple jQuery plugin that provides CSS gradient transitions.
jqGifPreview is a jQuery plugin tocreate GIF preview just like Facebook. This plugin use first frame of GIF image as preview image.
A tutorial about creating a simple jQuery Accordion with unlimited nesting.
egjs is a jQuery-based JavaScript library consisting of UI interactions, effects, and utilities, which brings easiest and fastest way to build a web application in your way.
Philter is a jQuery plugin giving you the power to control CSS filters with HTML attributes.