A tutorial about creating a set of link hover effects that reveal a thumbnail in different creative ways.
A set of experiments with an animated image pieces effect where an image gets shattered into rectangular fragments powered by anime.js.
blurify.js is a tiny library to blurred pictures, support graceful downgrade from css
mode to canvas
A cool moving background effect when hovering an image by using css and javascript.
jQuery Shakker is a jQuery plugin to give any image a shakky effect. It's pretty easy to use.
Watermark is a jQuery plugin to add watermark on images use HTML5 and Javascript.
This script transforms any image into a HTML5 compliant figure element with a nice caption.
Choose from 7 different effects to unveil the caption in style onmouseover. Captions can be dynamically defined or literally inside the figure element. On touch devices such as the iPad, touching the image reveals the caption, and touching anywhere else dismisses it.
A subtle tilt effect for images by using css and javascript. The idea is to move and rotate semi-transparent copies with the same background image in order to create a subtle motion or depth effect
Kubist transforms an ordinary image into cubism-like composition
Before and After is a jQuery plugin to view an "after" version of any image as an overlay of the original one.
A draggable handle bar lets the user decide how much of each image he/she wishes to view. The "before" and "after" slides can each contain not just a main image, but other HTML as well, such as a caption.
Triangloid is a JavaScript library that can trianglifies images and outputs as SVGs. It has been inspired and based on Trianglify
Image jigsaw is a jQuery plugin to easy convert any image to image based jigsaw puzzle.
Rollerblade lets you easily create interactive 360º image rotators, and other cool image effects.
neatShow.js is a jQuery plugin to fade in images beautifully on your website.
When neatShow is applied to an image, it will wait until the image has finished downloading, then instantly fades it in regardless of other images or activity on the page. Works reliably with all images in any state, including downloading, download complete and cached.
Magnifier.js is a Javascript library enabling magnifying glass effect on an images.