VanillaMasker is a simple and pure javascript library to mask your input elements. It's a cross-browser and cross-device library.
imask.js is a vanillajavascript library to create input masks.
Politespace is a javascript plugin to add spaces to numeric form values to increase readability (credit card numbers, phone numbers, etc).
input-mask.js enables you to include a mask on any input where a specific data entry format is required. The placeholder text remains in place, displaying which characters still need to be included. The placeholder is CSS styleable.
Text Mask is an input mask library. It can create input masks for phone, date, currency, zip code, percentage, email, and literally anything!
jQuery.inputmask is a jquery plugin which create an input mask. An inputmask helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format. This can be usefull for dates, numerics, phone numbers, ...
Mask.js is a simple functionality that you can use to force user met a pattern into inputs.
NumBox jQuery Plugin helps ensure that a numeric keyboard will pop-up on mobile devices when a number is entered. It offers real-time validation as you type plus display formatting for mobile devices and desktop browsers, is designed for HTML5's input type="number"
elements, and provides a number of customization options.
Labelmask is a way to create accessible input hinting without using input masks.
Labelmask inserts formatting hinting after the label, and updates as the user inputs their information. When the user leaves the field the formatting gets applied to the input value itself.
formatter.js is a library to format user input to match a specified pattern. Credit card, phone number, currency and zip code form formatting etc...
Also there is a jQuery wrapper version too.
Formance.js is a jQuery library for formatting and validating form fields. It supports the following form fields
maskMoney is a jQuery plugin to mask data entry in the input text in the form of money (currency).
meioMask is a simple use plugin for creating and applying masks at text input fields.
* Accepts paste event;
* Has fixed and reverse mask types ( allow number mask );
* You can still use your hotkeys and others (ex: ctrl+t, ctrl+f5, TAB …);
* Supports metadata plugin;
* Works with iPhone;
* Allow default values;
* Has callbacks for invalid inputs, valid and overflow;
* Has function to mask strings...
A plugin that transforms HTML form password field into iPhone / iPod Touch like password fields, passwords get masked while typing but the last character in row is shown in plain text.