Generic UI Grid is a free jQuery data table plugin. It has many built-in features: editing, sorting, pagination, theming, summaries, column configuration, and many more.
Magic Grid is a simple, lightweight Javascript library for creating dynamic grid layouts. Magic Grid, you need to specify a container and listen for changes. Also a few other configuration options are available for convenience.
TOAST UI Grid is a powerful grid component that allows you to visualize and edit data via its table representation.
A tutorial about creating retro-style grid layout with a playful motion hover effect on the grid items. When clicking on a grid item, a content preview opens.
Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world's most popular front-end component library.
Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with our Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery.
MasonGram is a jQuery plugin to add Instagram feed to a page in masonry layout.
A tutorial about creating grid item animation where the thumbnail scales up when the details view is opened by using CSS animations and javascript.
Macy.js is a lightweight, dependency-free, 4kb masonry layout library, designed for a hassle-free configuration.
A set of grid loading animations for your inspiration. The idea is to show grid items with an interesting effect once they are loaded.
Masonry for the grid layout and anime.js for the animations used in this tutorial.
HyperApp is a lightweight JavaScript library for building frontend applications.
Muuri creates responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable grid layouts with lots of features in one library. Comparing to what's out there Muuri is a combination of Packery, Masonry, Isotope and jQuery UI sortable.
Bricklayer is a lightweight and independent cascading grid layout library. Inspired by and a lighter alternative to Masonry.
Bricks.js is a blazing fast masonry layout generator for fixed width elements by using javascript.
jColumn is a lightweight jQuery plugin to make selected html elements the same height.
Grid Editor is a visual javascript editor for the Bootstrap grid system, written as a jQuery plugin.