A tutorial about creating simple and nice looking accordion by using jQuery and CSS.
A simple jQuery plugin for changing background color while scrolling.
A tutorial about creating lightweight smooth anchor scrolling with jQuery. Also a basic scrollTop function included.
Product Builder is a customizable and responsive product builder for your online store by using CSS and jQuery.
A simple and clean Material Design select created by using jQuery.
A tutorial about creating a simple hamburger menu example using HTML, CSS and jQuery.
formToWizard is a jQuery plugin that turns any webform into multi-step wizard. formToWizard can be used with Bootstrap and jQuery Validation plugin.
Slyder is a responsive slider navigation made with jQuery.
EmojiOne Area is a small jQuery plugin that allows you to transform any html element into simple WYSIWYG editor with ability to use Emojione icons.
markerPen is a simple jQuery plugin to create a marker tool for a webpage.
This plugin would come handy if you are creating webpages for academic purpose where a person can mark details while reading through a huge junk of data.
jfMagnify is a jQuery plugin that creates a magnify glass effect. This plugin will magnify html content, not just images.
overhang.js is a jQuery plugin to display sleek, instant notifications, confirmations or prompts inside a given element.
A jQuery plugin to help users to compare products side by side. You can add and remove products before final comparison.
jQuery LoadingOverlay is a flexible loading overlay jQuery plugin.
Web Ticker is a jQuery plugin that allows you to have items scrolling indefinitely across the screen. It uses some fancy calculations to ensure smooth continuous transitions.