jwerty is a javascript library that allows you to bind, fire and assert key combination strings against elements and events.
Pageguide.js is an interactive, responsive, and smart guide for web page elements using jQuery and CSS3. Works great for dynamic pages and single-page apps as well as static pages.
P-Loading is a powerful jQuery plugin, for faster and easier web development, which allows you to have a main loading mask platform that is able to use many different spinners by installing P-Loading add-ons.
Bridget makes a jQuery plugin out of a constructor. It's based off of the jQuery UI widget factory.
Alton is a jQuery-powered scrolling plugin that utilizes custom vertical scrolling effects in order to present and navigate through web content in a unique manner.
Dropdown is a lightweight jQuery dropdown plugin that supports key/value search and has multiple selection option.
A nice and useful article about "An Introduction to jQuery".
This article assumes no prior knowledge of jQuery, and will cover the following topics:
jQuery Mockjax plugin provides request/response mocking for ajax requests using the jQuery API and provides all standard behaviors in the request/response flow.
XDomain is a pure JavaScript CORS alternative. No server configuration required - just add a proxy.html
on the domain you wish to communicate with. This library utilizes XHook to hook all XHR, so XDomain will work seamlessly with any library.
Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms.
Dirty Forms will alert a user when they attempt to leave a page without submitting a form they have entered data into.
h5Validate is an HTML5 form validation plugin for jQuery. It works on all major browsers, both new and old. Implements inline, realtime validation best practices.
Thumbelina is a very lightweight jQuery content slider designed for galleries of thumbnail images. It integrates well with other plugins, and is a perfect solution where too many thumbnails would clutter the page.
Validatr is a jQuery plugin that relies on using modern HTML5 input attributes to perform validation.
Lity is a ultra-lightweight, accessible and responsive lightbox plugin which supports images, iframes and inline content out of the box. It requires jQuery or Zepto
jcSlider is a jQuery plugin to create responsive slider with CSS animations.