Glues your website's sidebars (or any vertical column for that matter), making them permanently visible when scrolling up and down. Useful when a sidebar is too tall or too short compared to the rest of the content.
Upload Preview jQuery plugin provides an easy way to preview your uploads before they're actually uploaded to the server.
So if you selected an image or audio file from your hard drive, it will generate a live preview of the selected image or audio player for the audio file.
Noob Scroll is a lightweight jQuery Plugin that adds some cool function to make scrolling more fun.
infoBox is a simple jQuery plugin to create information signs on your webpages which will show information boxes on mouseover. The created information boxes will resemble the conversation/message boxes.
Smart Wizard is a flexible and heavily customizable jQuery step wizard plugin with Bootstrap support. It is easy to implement and gives a neat and stylish interface for your forms, checkout screen, registration steps etc.
jQuery-gantt is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a gantt chart.
jQuery-steps is a lightweight yet customizable jQuery plugin that converts any grouped elements into a step-by-step wizard with navigation buttons and callback functions.
Timeline.js is a jQuery plugin to create a timeline easily. It can also be used as timeline slider.
SweetDropdown is a jQuery plugin to create dropdowns in any direction with any kind of content.
Selector is a micro JavaScript library used as a replacement for jQuery.
The aim of this project is to build a replacement for jQuery while constantly finding optimizations to shrink the overall filesize of the library, keeping the minified, gzip compressed file under 5KB while simultaniously adding more support for jQuery features.
The jQuery.ganttView plugin is a very lightweight plugin for creating a Gantt chart in plain HTML.
No vector graphics or images required. The plugin supports dragging and resizing the Gantt blocks and callbacks to trap the updated data.
Foxholder is a pack of 15 unique placeholder animations created by using jQuery.
List of Features
bookmarks.public allows you to save your bookmarks under revision control, via a simple combination of HTML, CSS & Javascript.
jQuery Tree plugin allows you to create tree structure using Bootstrap or Material Design styles. Free open source plugin distributed under MIT License.