Vant is a lightweight mobile UI components library built on Vue.
Glider.js is a blazingly fast, lightweight, responsive, unopinionated, dependency-free carousel alternative. It's inspired by Slick.js.
A tutorial about creating pull to re-fresh animation by using javascript and SVG.
F2 is an elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile.
F2 is born for mobile, developed for developers as well as designers. It is Html5 Canvas-based, and is also compatible with Node.js, Weex and React Native.
ScrollHint is a JavaScript library to suggest that the elements are scrollable horizontally, with the pointer icon.
basicScroll is a standalone parallax scrolling library with CSS variables inspired by skrollr. basicScroll lets you to change CSS variables depending on the scroll position.
MiniRefresh is a graceful HTML5 drop-down refresh plugin. No dependency, high performance, multi themes support and easy to expand.
InfiniteList is a 60fps infinite scrollable list with javascript for mobile devices.
Tabella.js is a pure javascript, touch enabled, responsive table plugin. Table header is fixed only when at least some part of the table is in the viewport.
Picker is a javascript library to create iOS UIPickerView like picker.
Long Press is a jQuery plugin to ease the writing of accented or rare characters as easily as on Android or iOS.
Zuck.js is a javascript library to create stories for mobile and desktop as you can see on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp.
Restive.js is a designer-friendly jQuery toolkit for building mobile-friendly websites.
Using a combination of smart device detection, advanced breakpoints management, and timely CSS class additions, restive.js will make it easier for you to build mobile-friendly and/or responsive Web pages.
pull-to-reload is a pull to refresh implementation for the web. Designed to work with both mobile and desktop devices. Fits nicely with web-apps or single-page applications (SPA)
PulltoRefresh.js is a quick and powerful plugin for your pull-to-refresh needs in your webapp.