WebUI Popover is a lightweight jQuery popover plugin that enchance the popover plugin of Bootstrap with some awesome new features. It works well with Bootstrap.
A drop in extension replacing error labels from jQuery Validation plugin with Bootstrap tooltips.
jQuery Bootgrid is a nice, sleek and intuitive grid plugin especially designed for Bootstrap.
An extension for Bootstrap's fixed navbar which hides the navbar while the page is scrolling downwards and shows it the other way
Bootstrap Table displays data in a tabular format and offers rich support to radio, checkbox, sort, pagination and so on. It is both featherweight and feature-rich.
Bootstrap Star Rating is a simple yet powerful jQuery star rating plugin with fractional rating support.
A small, light, responsive Bootstrap Gallery.
Gridmanager.js is a way of building rows and grids with built in editable regions; requires jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap 3.x, & optional TinyMCE or CKEditor.
bs_grid is a jQuery Datagrid plugin, based on Bootstrap. Advanced row selection, sorting, pagination and filtering. Fully customizable, responsive web design, localization.
Bootstrap FileStyle jQuery customization of input html file for Bootstrap. It's a quick and simple plugin to help style your form's file upload inputs.
ClockPicker is a clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap (or jQuery).
Provides combobox as a Bootstrap component, based on dropdown (which is compatible down to IE7).
Bootstrap Show Password is a jQuery plugin to show/hide password plugin for Bootstrap.
Bootstrap Validator is a jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Designed to use with Bootstrap 3.
jQuery Growl is a Growl like notification plugin for jQuery. Also it works well with Bootstrap 3.