This is Bootstrap Carousel slider with touch enables dragging slide with beautiful text animation. You can use All text animation from animate.css. Automatically drag the slider left right easily.
Smart Wizard is a flexible and heavily customizable jQuery step wizard plugin with Bootstrap support. It is easy to implement and gives a neat and stylish interface for your forms, checkout screen, registration steps etc.
jQuery Tree plugin allows you to create tree structure using Bootstrap or Material Design styles. Free open source plugin distributed under MIT License.
Pit-scheduler is a jQuery plugin that lets you manage tasks through a complete interface. It's compatible with Bootstrap and available under the MIT license (free to use).
Bootstrap File Input plugin standardizes the file input field to look like a Bootstrap button in all browsers.
survey.js is a JavaScript library to add a survey to your website. It uses JSON for survey metadata and results. Also it can be used with bootstrap.
Bootstrap Dropdown Slidemorph Menu inspired by Youtube context menus within a video player. Transitions between submenus create very neat experience. Also, menu provides information about selected values for each item.
Bootstrap Modal and Popover examples with animations by using Velocity.js
Here are animation types:
fadeIn, flipXIn, flipYIn, flipBounceXIn, flipBounceYIn, swoopIn, whirlIn, shrinkIn, expandIn, bounceIn, bounceUpIn, bounceDownIn, bounceLeftIn, bounceRightIn, slideUpIn, slideDownIn, slideLeftIn, slideRightIn, slideUpBigIn, slideDownBigIn, slideLeftBigIn, slideRightBigIn, perspectiveUpIn, perspectiveDownIn, perspectiveLeftIn, perspectiveRightIn, shake, tada, swing, bounce, flash, pulse
The JSON Form library is a JavaScript client-side library that takes a structured data model defined using JSON Schema as input and returns a Bootstrap-friendly HTML form that matches the schema.
Easy Tree is a jQuery plugin that can convert an un-order list to a tree easily with Bootstrap 3 support. Tree items can be selectable, addable, editable and deletable.
Clockface is a clock-like timepicker for Bootstrap. It can be used as Input, Component and Inline style.
Bootstrap Notify is a simple plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into "Growl-like" notifications.
A tutorial about creating awesome sidebar navigation with Bootsrap 3 and jQuery.
Bootstrap has only a traditional horizontal carousel. This plugin has the HTML and CSS to get it to animate vertically with up/down carousel controls.
A simple Bootstrap form wizard with jQuery and styled with Material Design.