rPage is an easy to use plugin for making Bootstrap 3's pagination more responsive. rPage automatically shrinks the pagination component and removes some of its elements when there isn't enough room.
DateBox is a jQuery date and time picker that works with jQueryMobile, Bootstrap, and jQueryUI.
Validator is a user-friendly HTML5 form validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3.
Features :
A lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap 3 based on the modal plugin. It supports images, YouTube videos, and galleries.
Bootstrap Sortable is a javascript plugin to add sorting ability to Bootstrap table.
Bootstrap-wysihtml5 is a javascript plugin to create simple, beautiful wysiwyg editors. This plugin is also compatible with Bootstrap3.
Bootstrap-datepicker provides a flexible datepicker widget in the Bootstrap style. It has many options, methods and events.
You can also localize month names and weekday names.
A jQuery plugin with bootstrap to create filters rending out of the box for backoffice use.
Boostrap Year Calendar is a fully customizable year calendar widget, for boostrap.
A tutorial about creating a contact form with Google's reCAPTCHA by using Bootstrap as the front-end framework.
A context menu plugin for Bootstrap framework. It can be use via data attributes or via javascript.
A simple way to create a Bootstrap styled checkbox using jQuery. Just set the text input to be a hidden field or any other field type that fits your project needs.
Grid Editor is a visual javascript editor for the Bootstrap grid system, written as a jQuery plugin.
Bootstrap Chosen is an alternate stylesheet for Chosen. This one is supposed to integrate better with Bootstrap 3.0.
Select2 Bootstrap CSS is a simple css to make select2 widgets fit in with Bootstrap.