Sortable is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers and touch devices.
MixItUp is a light-weight but powerful jQuery plugin that provides beautiful animated filtering and sorting of categorized and ordered content.
It plays nice with your existing HTML and CSS, making it a great choice for fluid, responsive layouts. It's perfect for portfolios, galleries, blogs, or any categorized or ordered content!
List.js is a lightweight cross-browser native JavaScript that makes your plain HTML lists super flexible, searchable, sortable and filterable. Also it's possible to add, edit and remove items by dead simple templating.
Ingrid is an unobtrusive jQuery component that adds datagrid behaviors as column resizing, paging, sorting, row and column styling, and more to your tables.
jQuery Sortable is a flexible, opinionated sorting plugin. It enables items in a list (or table etc.) to be sorted horizontally and vertically using the mouse. Supports nested lists and pure drag/drop containers.
jQuery Sortable does not depend on jQuery UI and works well with Twitter's Bootstrap (You can even sort the Bootstrap navigation).
jQuery Animated Table Sorter is a simple html table sorter, with the added benefit of animating the sorting operation.
This is a stupidly simple, absurdly lightweight jQuery table sorting plugin. As long as you understand basic JavaScript sorting, you can make this plugin do as much or as little as you want.
ParamQuery grid is a lightweight jQuery grid plugin inspired by MS Excel and Google spreadsheet. It's based upon jQueryUI Widget factory which is an excellent design pattern for UI controls with consistent API. It's free to use.
Isotope is an exquisite jQuery plugin for magical layouts. Enables filtering, sorting, and dynamic layouts.
tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell. Also it has many useful features.
HTML5 Sortable is a jQuery plugin to create sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
jTable is a jQuery plugin that is used to create AJAX based CRUD tables without coding HTML or Javascript. It has several features including.