Selectator is a jQuery-based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, and affects the original select box directly, which is used as the data container.
Datetator is a jQuery-based replacement for input boxes, making them date pickers. It affects the original input box directly, which is used as the data container.
Checkator is a jQuery-based replacement for radio and checkbox elements. It supports css styling, and affects the original radio or checkbox element directly, which is used as the data container.
checkBo is a lightweight jQuery plugin for custom checkbox and radio.
.Autocomplete.js is jQuery plugin that improve your search with hints. Autocomplete.js also has some options to customize.
Timepicki is a really simple jQuery plugin that displays an user-friendly time picker upon selection of an html input text field.
Tag Editor is a powerful and lightweight tag editor plugin for jQuery.
jQuery Typeahead Search is a simple plugin that suggest search results from the character(s) that were typed in the search bar using JavaScript.
It gives a search preview from Json object(s) via same domain Ajax request or cross domain jsonp and offers data compression inside Local Storage.
ajaxComboBox is a jQuery plugin for creating a text box it can "autocomplete" and "pulldown select".
Expanding Textareas is a jQuery plugin for elegant expanding textareas. The plugin creates a textarea clone with identical dimensions to that of the original.
MAWButton.js is a ripple button inspired by Google material design.
Some inspiration for styling a custom version of the select element. There are many possibilities and ideas of how to let the user select a choice in style.
Multi Column Select is a simple plugin that will hide the select control and then display a multicolumn dropdown (css). Uses the original form control so will work if JS is not enabled and the form can be processed as normal.
flyLabel.js is a flexible floating form labels to make your boring placeholders super fly. With flyLabel.js, it's easy to trigger custom behaviors on form labels.
DropKick.js is a jQuery plugin for creating beautiful, graceful, and painless custom dropdowns.