Selectify is a jQuery plugin that turns select element into a stylable and customizable element.
The element can receive focus and blur. When focussed, all key strokes for selecting elements will work including browsing by pressing the up and down keys.
iCheck is highly customizable jQuery plugin for checkboxes and radio buttons styling.
Fancy Input is a jQuery plugin that makes typing & deleting in input / Textarea fields exciting with CSS3 effects.
Sieve is a jQuery plugint that allows you to quickly add an interactive search filter to any block of content.
In-Field Labels is a simple jQuery plugin that turns properly formatted HTML forms into forms with in-field label support. Labels fade when the field is focussed and disappear when text entry begins. Clearing a field brings back the label.
typeahead.js is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library that is inspired by Twitter's autocomplete search functionality.
HTML5 validates forms without additional JavaScript but currently only latest versiones of Firefox, Safari & Google Chrome supports this functionality.
html5form jQuery plugin gets the same result in all versions on Internet Explorer and Firefox 3.6.
jui_dropdown is a jquery plugin, provides a simple dropdown button menu (split button). jQuery UI themes compatible.
jQuery Select is a simple jQuery plugin to allow for custom styling of <select>
This plugin takes a look at select boxes that match the selector you provide, and will add in a label after matching <select>
boxes. It will also add some classes to these elements for the purposes of styling.
Selectik is jQuery plugin, easy use, cross-browser alternative to the standard select form element which can be customised with CSS.
select2list is a jQuery plugin that turns an HTML <select>
element into a flat list of clickable items. The new list drives the old <select>
element, so it is a drop in replacement with seamless degradation.
Inputosaurus Text is a jQuery plugin that allows for multiple delimited values, parse hooks, autocomplete, keyboard shortcuts etc.
Multiselect is a tiny jQuery plugin to customize your <select>
with multiple attribute.
serializeObject is a variant of existing $.serialize
method which, instead of encoding form elements to string, converts form elements to a valid JSON object.