Scrolling Letters Animation is a switching title effect where a fixed text element changes with an animation depending on the scroll position by using CSS and anime.js
basicScroll is a standalone parallax scrolling library with CSS variables inspired by skrollr. basicScroll lets you to change CSS variables depending on the scroll position.
Blotter is a javascript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.
Blotter provides a simple interface for building and manipulating text effects that utilize GLSL shaders without requiring that the designer write GLSL.
A nice code snippet about creating material design expanding action button menu by using jQuery and css.
MasonGram is a jQuery plugin to add Instagram feed to a page in masonry layout.
startVal is an open source ultimate jQuery slider plugin. It's a lightweight, fast and customizable slider.
EasyTimer.js is a simple timer/chronometer/countdown library compatible with AMD and NodeJS.
EasyTimer.js released under the MIT license
Counter Up is a lightweight jQuery plugin that counts up to a targeted number when the number becomes visible.
It supports counting up:
Slice Revealer is a reveal effect where animated slices cover and uncover an image.
Anime.js for the animations and Intersection Observer API used for triggering the effects on scroll.
VanillaMasker is a simple and pure javascript library to mask your input elements. It's a cross-browser and cross-device library.
Houdini is a simple collapse/expand and accordion script. Houdini supports deep linking to a specific collapsed content via anchor links.
Charming is a vanilla javascript library as Lettering.js jQuery plugin. Optionally change the inserted DOM element (defaults to span
), or change or remove the class prefix (defaults to char
iFlow is a concise & powerful state management framework, iFlow has no dependencies and it's very small.
JavaScript Array Explorer is a resource to help figure out what JavaScript array method would be best to use at any given time.
TOAST UI Editor provides Markdown mode and WYSIWYG mode. The TOAST UI Editor offers Markdown mode and WYSIWYG mode, those can be switched at any time during writing content.