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Web Development Lessons for Beginners By Microsoft

January 03, 2021     943    
Web Development Lessons for Beginners By Microsoft

12-week, 24-lesson curriculum all about JavaScript, CSS, and HTML basics by Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft

Each lesson includes:

  • optional sketchnote
  • optional supplemental video
  • pre-lesson warmup quiz
  • written lesson
  • for project-based lessons, step-by-step guides on how to build the project
  • knowledge checks
  • a challenge
  • supplemental reading
  • assignment
  • post-lesson quiz
#Project NameConcepts TaughtLinked Lesson
01Getting StartedIntroduction to Programming and Tools of the TradeIntro to Programming Languages and Tools of the Trade
02Getting StartedBasics of GitHub, includes working with a teamIntro to GitHub
03Getting StartedAccessibilityAccessibility Fundamentals
04JS BasicsJavaScript Data TypesData Types
05JS BasicsFunctions and MethodsFunctions and Methods
06JS BasicsMaking Decisions with JSMaking Decisions
07JS BasicsArrays and LoopsArrays and Loops
08TerrariumHTML in PracticeIntroduction to HTML
09TerrariumCSS in PracticeIntroduction to CSS
10TerrariumJavaScript Closures, DOM manipulationJavaScript Closures, DOM manipulation
11Typing GameBuild a Typing GameEvent-Driven Programming
12Green Browser ExtensionWorking with BrowsersAbout Browsers
13Green Browser ExtensionBuilding a form, calling an API and storing variables in local storageAPIs, Forms, and Local Storage
14Green Browser ExtensionBackground processes in the browser, web performanceBackground Tasks and Performance
15Space GameMore Advanced Game Development with JavaScriptIntroduction to Advanced Game Development
16Space GameDrawing to canvasDrawing to Canvas
17Space GameMoving elements around the screenMoving Elements Around
18Space GameCollision detectionCollision Detection
19Space GameKeeping scoreKeeping Score
20Space GameEnding and restarting the gameThe Ending Condition
21Banking AppHTML Templates and Routes in a Web AppHTML Templates and Routes
22Banking AppBuild a Login and Registration FormForms
23Banking AppMethods of Fetching and Using DataData
24Banking AppConcepts of State ManagementState Management

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