Pushbar.js is a lightweight javascript plugin for creating sliding drawers in web apps. It is fully customizable and dependency free. You can use it as sidebar menus or option drawers.
Flipping is a library and collection of adapters for implementing FLIP transitions.
v8n is a customizable, ultimate JavaScript validation library with dead simple fluent API.
Matter.js is a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web written in JavaScript.
fuzzyset.js is a data structure that performs something akin to fulltext search against data to determine likely mispellings and approximate string matching.
Rete is a modular framework for visual programming. Rete allows you to create node-based editor directly in the browser. You can define nodes and workers that allow users to create instructions for processing data in your editor without a single line of code
Ping-Pong.js is a simple two player Ping Pong game made with pure Javascript and CSS.
Session timeout and keep-alive control with a nice Bootstrap warning dialog.
After a set amount of idle time, a Bootstrap warning dialog is shown to the user with the option to either log out, or stay connected.
TextFit is a fast, dependency-free text sizing component that quickly fits single and multi-line text to the width and/or height of its container.
Gio.js is an open source library for web 3D globe data visualization built with Three.js.
Gio.js is simple to use to customize a 3D data visualization model in a declarative way, add your own data, and integrate it into your own modern web application
Pickr is a flat, simple, responsive and hackable color-picker. It has no dependencies and compatible with all CSS Frameworks just like Bootstrap, Materialize.
SpriteJS is a lightweight 2D canvas rendering engine for modern browsers. Manipulate the sprites in canvas as you do with the DOM elements.
SpriteJS can be used with D3.js, Proton and Matter-js.
face-api.js is a JavaScript API for face recognition and face detection in the browser by using tensorflow.js
A tutorial about creating drinks - restaurant menu with super cool animation using CSS and JavaScript.
API for the FIFA World Cup 2018 that scrapes current match results and outputs match data as JSON.