Switchery is a simple plugin that helps you turn your default HTML checkbox inputs into beautiful iOS 7 style switches in just few simple steps. You can easily customize switches, so that they match your design perfectly.
Ion.CheckRadio is jQuery plugin for styling checkboxes and radio-buttons with skin support.
Multiple select is a jQuery plugin to select multiple elements with checkboxes. Multiple Select supports methods that allow programmatic control of the component.
Fancyform is a jQuery plugin that offers a nice and elegant way to transform your HTML elements into custom styled elements. It's easy to implement and customize.
The elements you can style are input:radio,input:checkbox, select and textarea
Fancy Fields is a jQuery plugin to customize form elements easily. Text boxes, text areas, radio buttons, checkboxes, select items etc.
iCheck is highly customizable jQuery plugin for checkboxes and radio buttons styling.
SlickSwitches is a low-footprint and thus environmentally friendly jQuery plugin that allows you to turn any ordinary boring checkbox on your page into a fantastically well-styled switch, and since the switch takes the place of an ordinary checkbox, it degrades without an issue if JavaScript is not enabled. With it's many possibilities, it's simply lovely.
prettyCheckable plugin replaces the default checkboxes and radio inputs for better looking ones.
jQuery Selectable is a jQuery plugin which allows you to turn anything into a selectable/checkable element. You can convert elements like buttons to checkbox/radiobutton easily.