Lightview allows you to easily create the most beautiful overlay windows using the jQuery Javascript library.
By combining support for a wide range of media with gorgeous skins and a user-friendly API, Lightview aims to push the Lightbox concept as far as possible.
Lightview uses HTML5 to help you deliver the best experience across every browser. Let it enhance your media automatically or create custom overlays using the powerful Javascript API.
Fresco is a beautiful responsive lightbox that can be used to create stunning overlays that work great at any screen size, in all browsers on every device. To make things even more awesome Fresco comes with fullscreen zoom, retina-ready skins, Youtube and Vimeo integration for HTML5 video and a powerful Javascript API.
simpleWeather is a simple jQuery plugin to display the weather information for any location. The data is pulled from the public Yahoo! Weather feed via the YQL API.
Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid. It is on par with sliced bread, or possibly better.
A simple jQuery plugin to show a list of Instagram photos.
Redactor is a free javascript program for writing texts on the web. Redactor using the jQuery library. Support for all major browsers.
The jQuery Form Plugin allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX. The main methods, ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit, gather information from the form element to determine how to manage the submit process. Both of these methods support numerous options which allows you to have full control over how the data is submitted.
jQuery Validation Plugin makes simple clientside form validation trivial, while offering lots of option for customization.
The plugin comes bundled with a useful set of validation methods, including URL and email validation, while providing an API to write your own methods. All bundled methods come with default error messages in english and translations into 36 locales.
jTwitter jQuery Twitter API Plugin provides you with an easy Twitter API to access Twitter user information by twitter username.