Waypoints is a small jQuery plugin that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element. Waypoints makes a solid base for modern UI patterns that depend on a user’s scroll position on the page.
Adaptor is a light-weight content slider that aims to provide a simple interface for developers to create cool 2D or 3D slide animation transitions.
It has multiple options for customization including: speed of the transitions, delay between each item auto-slideshow being on/off, pauseOnHover and more.
Autobrowse plugin adds automatic ajax loading of page content when the user scrolls the page, with built-in browser cache. Simply use autobrowse(options) on a container that you want to fill with content.
jsCarousel is a jquery slider plugin that slides contents in multi direction. jsCarousel slider can be used as a feature content slider as well.
You can put any kind of contents you want whether images, text, videos, news etc. You can make simple image gallery with thumbnail support by using it.
Flow Slider is a jQuery thumbnail slider which is customizable, skinnable, fashionable, and looks great on every site.
carouFredSel is a jQuery plugin that converts any kind of HTML element into an infinite and circular carousel. It can scroll one or more items at the same time both horizontally or vertically.
Every item can be displayed automatically and/or by user interaction (pressing buttons or keys on the keyboard).
A jQuery plugin that manages page layers: what goes first, what goes next and the transition between one and other. The goal of this plugin is to provide a way to make fluid web applications that do not require loading new pages.
Infinite Ajax Scroll is a plugin that turns you existing pagination into an infinite scrolling one, with ease.
Overscroll is a jQuery plug-in that mimics the iphone/ipad scrolling experience in a browser. The plug-in adds a draggable drift to overflowed DOM elements as well as a set of fading 'thumbs'. OverScroll runs best on Safari 5+, Chrome 5+, and Firefox 3+ but should run just fine on most modern browsers.
Endless scroll is a jQuery plugin that can be used instead of the traditional paging system (page 1 of 10, next, previous etc) for large data sets. As we scroll down, with this plugin we can add additional data to display at the bottom of the page.