BootstrapX Clickover provides a Bootstrap extension to allow popovers to be opened and closed with clicks on elements instead of hover or focus.
pickList is a simple jQuery plugin that turns a regular multiple option select box into a side-by-side pick list with Bootstrap.
jQuery Confirm is a jQuery plugin to create confirm dialogs for buttons and links using Bootstrap.
Bootstrap DateTimePicker is a both date and time picker widget based on Bootstrap. It supports Bootstrap v2 and v3.
LobiPanel is a jQuery plugin for advanced Bootstrap panels with extended functionality. Minimizable, maximizable, sortable, draggable, resizable.
eModal is a simple way to create modal dialogs using jQuery and Bootstrap.
You can use eModal to display a modal for alert, ajax, prompt, confirm or iframe.
FormValidation is a jQuery plugin to validate form fields.
FormValidation is designed to use with: Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure, Semantic UI, UIKit and others such as Skeleton etc.
rPage is an easy to use plugin for making Bootstrap 3's pagination more responsive. rPage automatically shrinks the pagination component and removes some of its elements when there isn't enough room.
DateBox is a jQuery date and time picker that works with jQueryMobile, Bootstrap, and jQueryUI.
Validator is a user-friendly HTML5 form validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3.
Features :
A lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap 3 based on the modal plugin. It supports images, YouTube videos, and galleries.
Bootstrap Sortable is a javascript plugin to add sorting ability to Bootstrap table.
Bootstrap-wysihtml5 is a javascript plugin to create simple, beautiful wysiwyg editors. This plugin is also compatible with Bootstrap3.
Bootstrap-datepicker provides a flexible datepicker widget in the Bootstrap style. It has many options, methods and events.
You can also localize month names and weekday names.
A jQuery plugin with bootstrap to create filters rending out of the box for backoffice use.