A widget containing a list of suggested articles, with a reading progress indicator powered by SVG, CSS and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating simple presentation template in CSS and jQuery.
Navigation can be with keyboard arrow keys or click or by scroll.
Horizontal Timeline is an easy to customize, horizontal timeline powered by CSS and jQuery.
Stretchy Navigation is a rounded navigation trigger that stretches on click/tap to reveal the navigation items.
A tutorial about creating a simple multi-level menu with delayed item animations and an optional breadcrumb navigation and back button.
A tutorial on how to implement an animated menu icon using SVG and Segment, a JavaScript library for drawing and animating SVG paths.
A template for a simple page stack navigation by using CSS and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating portfolio template with expandable projects and a full-page navigationby using css and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating simple accordion menu with support for sub level items by using CSS and jQuery.
In this tutorial you will lean how to create a an awesome popup gallery. Each gallery will have a small preview animation. This tutorial will provide you with five different popup galleries.
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create a simple image slider using GreenSock’s TweenLite and TimelineLite with cool tilt effect.
A tutorial about creating simple modal window with an SVG background animated using Snap.svg and javascript.
A tutorial about creating responsive image slideshow by using HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. It also supports swiping on touch devices. It works on all modern browsers including IE 10+.
A tutorial about creating stars flashing effect by using jQuery and very easy to use.
An in-depth tutorial on how to build the ripple effect outlined under Google Material Design's Radial Action specification and combine it with the powers of SVG and GreenSock.