A tutorial about creating drinks - restaurant menu with super cool animation using CSS and JavaScript.
A tutorial about creating a simple hamburger menu example using HTML, CSS and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating a simple multi-level menu with delayed item animations and an optional breadcrumb navigation and back button.
A tutorial about creating Multilevel Toggle (accordion) Responsive Navigation Menu using jQuery.
The multi-toggle responsive navigation on smaller screens is similar to nested accordions, the user touches primary level parent item to reveal list under it and when the screen is big enough vertical toggle menu changes to horizontal drop down navigation.
A tutorial about creating good-looking context menu by using jQuery and css.
A tutorial about creating push in side menu. Here you ll see a simple effect of making the menu links stack upwards. The second effect is a Metro inspired menu that stacks upwards but uses random delays to make it look unique every time.
A tutorial about Creating Animated CSS3 Perspective Menu with jQuery. It's sidebar menu that when clicked would shift the perspective of the current window and slant it in a way that revealed the menu options.
It can be used as horizontal or vertical.
A tutorial about creating a Google Play style menu. The menu is interesting in that when you select a category, the other categories disappear and the current bar will rise up and reveal a sub menu for that category.
Learn to create a slider timeline menu with CSS3 animations and jQuery. It is a fixed navigation that smooth scrolls to new sections with a cool slider effect.
A tutorial about "Creating Jelly Navigation Menu for Touch Devices" by Smashing Magazine.
PaperJS used for the canvas graphics and TweenJS used for the animations.
A tutorial about creating an accordion menu by using jQuery and CSS3.
A tutorial about "Creating Google Play’s Multi-Level Navigation Menu".
This menu has smooth animation and let users peek at the root-level menu by simply hovering a back button. It's created with using HTML, CSS and jQuery.
An experimental push menu with multi-level functionality that allows endless nesting of navigation elements.
The result is a “push” menu that can (theoretically) contain infinite nested sub-menus. When opening a sub-level, the whole navigation pushes the content more, allowing a slice of the parent menu to be visible. Optionally, this slice can be visible or not, in which case the sub-menu will simply cover its parent.
In this tutorial you are going to build a simple jQuery-powered dropdown menu. This can work well using the animate method for generating delayed effects. Along with the typical JS codes also some CSS3 transition effects into the stylesheet. Any webmaster who can edit these codes will surely find use in a pre-built customized navbar solution.