The article “Hover Animations for Terminal-like Typography” on Codrops showcases fun hover animations inspired by retro VHS-style websites. These animations create a terminal-like effect for lines of text.
On-Scroll Pixelated Image Loading Effect is a captivating technique that combines pixelation and smooth scrolling to create an immersive user experience.
As users scroll down your website, images transform from pixelated blocks to clear, high-resolution visuals, captivating their attention and enticing them to explore further.
Tutorial about to create a layout with some scroll animations and a view switch where the content item images animate to a grid.
A simple layout animation where the thumbnails of a menu row animate to their position in a content preview grid using GSAP's Flip plugin.
Fullscreen scroll-based slideshow with a content view powered by GreenSock's Observer plugin.
A tutorial on how to create animated custom cursor effects for interactive elements like navigations, galleries and carousels, included with 5 demos.
A tutorial about creating another CSS Grid-powered slideshow - show and hide images with a reveal effect and add a parallax like effect to the main image and the title. TweenMax is used for the animations.
A tutorial about creating a set of link hover effects that reveal a thumbnail in different creative ways.
A tutorial about creating a fullscreen loop effect that shows a fast preview of images when hovering a special menu item. The animations are made using TweenMax
An article about how to create nifty physics-based background scroll effects for your web pages. Matter.js, an excellent open-source JavaScript framework is used to handle the physics.
A tutorial about creating very cool WebGL Distortion Slider using Three.js for the image transitions and some crude HTML + CSS just to mockup the UI around the background.
A lightweight library that can be used for bursting particles effects for button. The idea is to disintegrate an element into particles and make it disappear (or vice versa).
A tutorial about creating cool animated menu concept using CSS and javascript.
Blotter is a javascript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.
Blotter provides a simple interface for building and manipulating text effects that utilize GLSL shaders without requiring that the designer write GLSL.
Slice Revealer is a reveal effect where animated slices cover and uncover an image.
Anime.js for the animations and Intersection Observer API used for triggering the effects on scroll.