HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
Zdog is a 3D JavaScript engine for <canvas>
and SVG. You can design and render simple 3D models on the Web. Zdog is a pseudo-3D engine. Its geometries exist in 3D space, but are rendered as flat shapes.
Matter.js is a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web written in JavaScript.
ScrollerJS is a javascript library that helps you build performant UI components for the web.
Pell is the simplest and smallest WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies.
Workbox is a collection of JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps by the Google Chrome team.
You can use Workbox to simplify your development by making it easy to take advantage of powerful service worker features, eliminate boilerplate code, and automate service worker generation.
pull-to-reload is a pull to refresh implementation for the web. Designed to work with both mobile and desktop devices. Fits nicely with web-apps or single-page applications (SPA)
jQuery.datepicker is a futuristic datepicker plugin for web. It's customizable and API reference also available.
g9 is a javascript library for creating automatically interactive graphics. With g9, interactive visualization is as easy as visualization that isn't. Just write a function which draws shapes based on data, and g9 will automatically figure out how to manipulate that data when you drag the shapes around.
Monkberry is blazingly fast, tiny and simple JavaScript library for building web user interfaces.
AlloyFinger is a super tiny size multi-touch gestures library for the web.
Popper.js is a library used to create poppers in web applications. Common examples of poppers are tooltips and popovers.
mo.js is a powerful motion graphics library for the web.
howler.js is an audio library for the modern web. It defaults to Web Audio API and falls back to HTML5 Audio.
Two.js is a two-dimensional drawing api geared towards modern web browsers. It is renderer agnostic enabling the same api to draw in multiple contexts: svg
, canvas
, and webgl