Yup is a dead simple javascript object schema validator and object parser. Yup separates the parsing and validating functions into separate steps so it can be used to parse json separate from validating it.
ForgJs is a JavaScript lightweight object validator library. You can customize and can write complex validation rules.
Validatr is a jQuery plugin that relies on using modern HTML5 input attributes to perform validation.
validator.js is a library of string validators and sanitizers. It can be used both on client side and server side.
Validator is a user-friendly HTML5 form validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3.
Features :
jQuery.mobilePhoneNumber is a general purpose library for validating and formatting mobile phone numbers.
Bootstrap Validator is a jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Designed to use with Bootstrap 3.
jQuery Validation Plugin makes simple clientside form validation trivial, while offering lots of option for customization.
The plugin comes bundled with a useful set of validation methods, including URL and email validation, while providing an API to write your own methods. All bundled methods come with default error messages in english and translations into 36 locales.
jQuery Credit Card Validator detects and validates credit card numbers. It’ll tell you the detected credit card type and whether the number length and Luhn checksum are valid for the type of card.