A simple, responsive carousel with animated SVG paths used as transition effects.
A tutorial about creating full page slider, with animated SVG elements used as transition effects.
Zenith is responsive slider jQuery plugin that has 4 basic layouts + 4-th layout has dozen variations of it’s own, giving 3 additional sub-layouts.
Zenith also comes with 7 transition animation and unlimited possibilities of styling and creating your own variations.
An ajax powered page transition, with a slide-in content animation triggered by a side tabbed navigation.
Detecting the end of CSS animation and transition could be useful if you want to back up some of your JavaScript behavior on CSS. Also jQuery version available too.
A CSS powered animation, that replaces the refresh of the page while the content is updated using Ajax.
Pogo Slider is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create animated image/content sliders. CSS animations are used to transition between slides.
Animate Transition allows you to easily make transition between any two (or more) HTML elements. It can be used in different variety of situations, whatever you want to enhance appearance of your web site or navigate between pages in hybrid mobile application.
Slideout.js is a touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
impress.js is a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers.
jQuery Hero Slider Plugin is a light-weight and easy to install. It is responsive, powerful, and customizable. It has different kinds of transition effects.
A gallery of project preview images that expand on click to reveal the full case study.
sweep.js is a small JavaScript library that enables proper color transitions through the HSL and HUSL spaces. Ordinary CSS transitions or some frameworks convert HSL colors to RGB before transitioning. sweep.js addresses this by letting you transition through the color spectrum.
smoothState.js is a jQuery plugin that progressively enhances website page loads to behave more like a single-page application.
A tutorial about creating push in side menu. Here you ll see a simple effect of making the menu links stack upwards. The second effect is a Metro inspired menu that stacks upwards but uses random delays to make it look unique every time.