A tutorial about creating very cool WebGL Distortion Slider using Three.js for the image transitions and some crude HTML + CSS just to mockup the UI around the background.
An immersive transition effect powered by image masks and CSS transforms using jQuery.
barba.js is a small, flexible and dependency free library that helps you creating fluid and smooth transitions between your website's pages.
Radial SVG Slider is a simple, responsive slider, with a radial transition effect powered by SVG clipPath and mask elements.
A library of animated transition effects, powered by CSS Animations and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating an ink bleed transition effect, powered by CSS animations and jQuery
A few examples of the page transitions available in jQuery Mobile. Use the back button (after you've seen a transition) to see how jQuery Mobile automatically applies the animation in the reverse for the "out" animation.
A simple, responsive carousel with animated SVG paths used as transition effects.
A tutorial about creating full page slider, with animated SVG elements used as transition effects.
Animate Transition allows you to easily make transition between any two (or more) HTML elements. It can be used in different variety of situations, whatever you want to enhance appearance of your web site or navigate between pages in hybrid mobile application.
3D page fullscreen animated transition with CSS3 and jQuery.
sweep.js is a small JavaScript library that enables proper color transitions through the HSL and HUSL spaces. Ordinary CSS transitions or some frameworks convert HSL colors to RGB before transitioning. sweep.js addresses this by letting you transition through the color spectrum.
Animsition is a simple and easy jQuery plugin used to add page transition on css animations.
Kontext is a context-shift transition inspired by iOS. It's created using JavaScript, CSS 3D transforms and CSS Animations.
Smoove makes it easy to implement awesome CSS3 transition effects, making your content smoothly glide into the page as your scroll down the page.