iTyped is a dead simple Javascript animated typing, with no dependencies. iTyped has a tiny size and easy to use.
mgGlitch is a little jQuery plugin to glitch everything.
This plugin will clone the selected element (html or image) 3 times :
PrognRoll is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates scroll progress bar on the page. You can also customize the progress bar.
Lightense Images is a tiny, dependency-free pure JavaScript image zooming library.
Multirange is a tiny polyfill for HTML5 multi-handle sliders.
AlloyFinger is a super tiny size multi-touch gestures library for the web.
dynamicColorPage is a jQuery plugin that lets user change the color style of your page dynamically.
The user got a small widget on the right handside, that can be used to change default color, and the appearance of the whole page will change.
Zebra_Transform is a lightweight, cross-browser (with IE6 support) jQuery plugin for replacing checkboxes, radio buttons and select boxes.
TinySort is a small script that sorts HTML elements. It sorts by text or attribute value, or by that of one of it's children
Colorify.js is a simple, customizable, tiny javascript color extractor.
UpUp is a tiny javascript library that makes sure your users can always access your site's content, even when they're on a plane, in an elevator, etc.
Highlighter.js is a tiny javascript library, to allow you to easily navigate, select and highlight the DOM elements.
Clusterize.js is a tiny javascript plugin to display large data sets easily.
The main idea is not to pollute DOM with all used tags. Instead of that - it splits the list to clusters, then shows elements for current scroll position and adds extra rows to top and bottom of the list to emulate full height of table so that browser shows scrollbar as for full list
Sprint.js is a high-performance, lightweight DOM library for modern browsers. Sprint notably shines on bandwidth and resource constrained devices such as phones and tablets.
Sprint has a familiar, jQuery-like chainable API.
Yako.js is a tiny DOM-less graph library, build for fast front end and server side rendering in CommonJs pattern. This library is intend to generate light weight and simple SVG graphs, and is more performable compare to highcharts / flot / c3 / d3 when front end matters.