Fixit jQuery plugin can be used to fix the element at a certain position when the webpage is scrolled and the element is to be hidden, so that the element stay visible on the webpage.
Glues your website's sidebars (or any vertical column for that matter), making them permanently visible when scrolling up and down. Useful when a sidebar is too tall or too short compared to the rest of the content.
Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to position: sticky
polyfills that works perfectly for things like sticky headers.
jQuery.positionSticky is a sticky positioning polyfill for jQuery. Support for display and float properties example and sidebar example included.
ScrollNaviJs is jQuery plugin for fix navigation on top after scroll second section content, actually navigation fix in bottom of browser when we are in first section content.
Auto Fix Anything jQuery plugin will let you automatically fix position of any container on your website with one JS call. The plugin will detect when to fix/unfix the position automatically.
hcSticky is a cross-browser jQuery plugin that makes any element on your page float. It is used for sidebars on long pages, so they can be visible all the time user scrolls down the page, instead of a empty space visitors usually see.
It is also used for floating top menus, emphasizing it to the user at all time.
Sticky-Kit is a jQuery plugin for making smart sticky elements Sticky-Kit provides an easy way to attach elements to the page when the user scrolls such that the element is always visible.
A fixed header that will animate its size on scroll. The inner elements will also adjust their size with a transition.
An animated header that will change its size on scroll. Once a certain amount of the page gets scrolled, the header will decrease its size and the inner elements will adjust their font-size/line height. There are example media queries for dealing with different screen sizes.
Smint is a simple jQuery plugin that helps with the navigation on one page style websites.
It has 2 main elements, a sticky navigation bar that stays at the top of the page while you scroll down and menu buttons that automatically scroll the page to the section you clicked on.
Hachiko is a jQuery sticky plugin that allows a relatively positioned element to be stickied onto the screen when the element is scrolled outside of the viewport.
Instead of changing the position of the element on window scroll, this plugin creates a clone of the original element and set the clone to be fixed positioned so the original layout is always preserved.
jQuery Pin is a jQuery plugin for creating sticky elements. You can pin something to the side of a text and subtle sticky element to quietly hang around as you scroll down.
Also you can easily disable this for smaller screen-sizes where there's no room for that kind of shenanigans.
fixto is a jQuery plugin for sticky positioning. Fix containers to the viewport relative to an ancestor.
jQuery lockfixed allows for DOM elements to be positioned anywhere on the page, and lock within the user's viewport when scrolling. Common use case is a menu under a header, which on scrolling stays fixed within the viewport.
jQuery Stick 'em plugin makes items sticky as you scroll, to a point. Easy to implement and flawless to the point of perfection, this is indeed a very useful plugin.