Priority Nav Scroller is a plugin for the priority+ navigation pattern. When the navigation items don’t fit on screen they are hidden in a horizontal scrollable container with controls.
MenuSpy is a JavaScript library to make navigation menus highlight the item based on currently in view section.
Create a simple scroll indicator for your website by using css and jQuery. An animated arrow to show that content is below the fold.
Section Scroll is a jQuery plugin for automatically making scrollable sections navigation. You can create one page scrolling website with this plugin.
ScrollWatch is a jQuery plugin for determining active sections on the page based on viewport scrolling.
jQuery One Page Nav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for the navigation on one-page sites.
Adds smooth scrolling when clicking on the navigation and automatically selects the correct navigation items as you are scrolling through the different sections.
jQuery Section Menu plugin creates a side menu that allows you to scroll to the different sections on the page.
ScrollUpBar is a jQuery plugin that hides the top bar when scrolling down, and show it when scrolling up. It's specially useful on mobile interfaces to save some precious space.