smartscroll is a tiny jQuery plugin that has these independent features:
Section scrolling (Scrolljacking), Auto-hash (Updates the URL hash based on current position on page) and Responsive.
Product Tour is a responsive tour snippet, with a step-by-step guide to help users understand how to use your website.
TurboTabs is responsive jQuery plugin that can be easily customized by using some of the available options. HTML markup is very simple to implement. Tabs are available in three layouts: horizontal, vertical and accordion. On small screens tabs transorms to accordion.
A tutorial about creating responsive and easy to customise mega-dropdown component by using CSS and jQuery.
A basic responsive product grid layout with comparison functionality and a slide-in effect.
A tutorial about creating responsive photo gallery by using Bootstrap.
Bootstrap News Box is a jQuery and Bootstrap 3 based plugin for creating a clean responsive news ticker/slider that allows you to vertically scroll html contents with autoplay and up/down navigation support.
A slick responsive Material Design modal built with CSS and JavaScript.
Bamboo.js is a basic structural framework for responsive Web Apps that require a sliding menu and a fixed header with scrollable content area. The burger menu button toggles the menu open and close. You can also swipe left or right to interact with the menu. When the browser is greater than a specified breakpoint (desktop) the menu is permanently visible on the left.
jQuery Hero Slider is a full-width, responsive and easy to customize slideshow, enriched by a tabbed navigation.
jQuery.imgx is a lightweight jQuery plugin for serving high-resolution images on desktop and mobile devices. Compatible with @2x and @3x image varients.
ArtDesignSlider is a responsive jQuery image slider with support auto resize images with different dimension.
jQuery Hero Slider Plugin is a light-weight and easy to install. It is responsive, powerful, and customizable. It has different kinds of transition effects.
IMGRID is a jQuery plugin to select images from grid layouts. It's responsive and has nice layout powered with css.
A tutorial about creating Multilevel Toggle (accordion) Responsive Navigation Menu using jQuery.
The multi-toggle responsive navigation on smaller screens is similar to nested accordions, the user touches primary level parent item to reveal list under it and when the screen is big enough vertical toggle menu changes to horizontal drop down navigation.