A tutorial about making iframe's responsive by using javascript.
ResponsifyJS is a jQuery plugin that makes images truly responsive, without sacrificing anyone's face.
Filterizr is a jQuery plugin that sorts, shuffles and applies stunning filters over responsive galleries using CSS3 transitions.
Monthly.js is a jQuery based responsive calendar plugin.
A modern, lightbox style gallery for displaying images and YouTube videos on your site. The gallery interface is fully responsive and works beautifully across all devices big or small.
A tutorial about creating social share buttons for your mobile website by using jQuery, HTML5 and CSS. It also support share via WhatsApp.
A tutorial about creating responsive iOS9 iMessage interface by using jQuery, CSS and Html5.
A nice tutorial that shows how to style an embedded Google map in order to be responsive and centered.
xGallerify is a lightweight, responsive, smart gallery based on jQuery.
okayNav is a jQuery plugin to create responsive navigation that aims at progressively collapsing navigation links into an off-screen navigation instead of doing it for all the links at the same time
SnapGallery is a simple jQuery plugin that turns an ugly list of differently sized images into a beautiful, customizable gallery with one line of javascript. It's completely responsive and customizable,
Multi-Device Scrolling Menu is a simple responsive horizontal menu ready for any device.
megamenu.js is a responsive, cross-browser, jQuery mega menu.
jRCarousel is a jQuery plugin for responsive carousel with modern effects and multiple options.
jR3DCarousel is a jQuery plugin for responsive 3D carousel with modern effects and multiple options.