jQuery lightSlider is a lightweight touchable responsive content slider.
Main Features
Responsive Tabs is a jQuery plugin that provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint. You can use this plugin as a solution for displaying tabs elegantly on desktop, tablet and mobile.
GridList is a drag and drop library for two-dimensional, resizable and responsive lists.
PgwModal is a responsive modal/dialog window for jQuery.
Devrama Slider is a image slider with many features. It support both images and HTML contents.
PgwSlider is a responsive slider for jQuery / Zepto.
Slick is a jQuery responsive touch carousel that you'll ever need.
A responsive Masonry grid with a gallery view using 3D Transforms. Based on the gallery seen on the Chromebook Getting Started guide by Google.
A full width tab component with some example media queries for adjusting the icons of the tabs and the content layout.
The main idea is to show only icons for the mobile view and allow the text to appear when there’s enough space. The content columns and the containing media boxes have three different layouts.
Fixed Nav is a responsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation with animated scrolling.
matchHeight is a more robust, responsive equal heights plugin for jQuery. It makes the height of all selected elements exactly equal.
Flickerplate is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you flick through content. It's simple to use, fully responsive and touch enabled.
RRSSB is a solution for responsive social share buttons that you can easily customize it by tweaking a few variables. SVGs allow for tiny file size and retina support.
μslider is a responsive and touch friendly jQuery plugin slider. Content can be anything: images, text, iframes, html5 video and audio (natively), YouTube and Vimeo videos with a light js patch. It's highly flexible and very easy to configure.
RowGrid.js is a small, lightweight jQuery plugin for placing items in straight rows. It's responsive and can be use infinite scrolling.