Ukiyo.js is a library that generates efficient and dynamic modern parallax effects.
Locomotive Scroll is a simple scroll library that provides smooth scrolling with support for parallax effects, toggling classes, and triggering event listeners when elements are in the viewport.
Rallax.js is a Vanilla JS plugin that implements a dynamic parallax scrolling effect, without dependencies.
basicScroll is a standalone parallax scrolling library with CSS variables inspired by skrollr. basicScroll lets you to change CSS variables depending on the scroll position.
Paroller.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables parallax scrolling effect.
Rellax is a buttery smooth, super lightweight, vanilla javascript parallax library. Rellax limits the parallax feature to laptop/desktop screens since the effect is negligible on smaller screens.
A tutorial about creating simple background parallax scrolling in JavaScript.
A tutorial about how to create a simple multi-layered illustration with depth that transitions into the content in a unique way.
Enllax is an ultra-lightweight and super easy to use plugin for parallax scrolling effect.
Parallax Slider incorporates a parallax scrolling effect where each slide and its contents glide into view at different speeds, creating a captivating visual experience. Visual intrigue aside, however, Parallax Slider is an easy to customize, responsive slider that can adapt to different screen and device sizes, by supporting a percentage value as its width.
Particleground is a jQuery plugin for snazzy background particle systems. Particleground includes an optional parallax effect controlled by the mouse on desktop devices and gyroscope on mobile devices.
It works in any browser that supports HTML5 canvas.
Simplax is a simple way to create a parallax background effect with few line javascript in your site.
Skrollr is a stand-alone parallax scrolling javascript library for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop.
Parallax ImageScroll is a simple and easy jQuery plugin for creating image parallax effects when scrolling the page, inspired by
qpScroll is a jQuery plugin that creates a parallax background for any page or div. It is simple to setup. It can be added to any existing page without the need to change the HTML mark up.