Pikachoose is a lightweight jQuery slideshow plugin, with many features. jCarousel integrates smoothly with PikaChoose to give your gallery simple and effective carousel. PikaChoose has API hooks for integrating lightboxes and other things.
Full Width Image Slider is a very simple 100% width slider that scales down to mobile.
This slider has a 100% width layout and it is responsive. It operates with CSS transitions and the image is wrapped with an anchor. The anchor can be replaced by a division if no linking is needed. With a max-width set to 100%, the image will size down for smaller screens.
This is an simple jQuery image slider which is based on Cycle jQuery plugin. It’s been manually tested in all modern browsers.
Moodular is a jQuery plugin which allows to create carousel/slider very easily. The plugin supports external function calls, easing, changing movement speed/direction, and even has a ‘carousel’ option, hence the carousel in the title.
Images can be rounded, and you can switch between zooming and fading images.
bxSlider is fully-loaded, responsive jQuery content slider.
There are many ways on displaying our portfolio, one of them is using grid style with slider effect for pagination. In this tutorial you ll learn how to displaying portfolio grid with flipping slider effect for pagination using jQuery & CSS3 Transform.
Fotorama is a simple, stunning, powerful Javascript gallery. It's easy to install, supports all browsers, available as a wordpress plugin too.
MaskifySlider is an extremely simple plugin which enables you to create an image slider with the effect of an image mask.
The plugin will automically offset the images position according to the spacing between their placeholders, giving the impression that it's only one masked image.
liteAccordion is lightweight horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery.
Responsive layout option
liteAccordion V2 has a responsive layout option. This also works on mobile devices when the orientation of the device is changed.
Auto scale images
If you plan to use liteAccordion as an image slider, there is an option to scale images contained in a slide to automatically fit the slide dimensions. This works in both responsive and fixed width modes.
raccordion is a fully responsive horizontal accordion image slider that adjusts according to the size of the browser width. raccordion slider adds variety and style.
Lean Slider is a simple jQuery image slider built on the principles of Progressive Enhancement.
Unlike other sliders it does not provide any styling or fancy transition effects. It simply provides a javascript framework (slideshow functionality, navigation controls, callback functions etc.) for you to build a slider on top of.
ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slider using list items inside <ul>
. It works with wide range of browsers including all IE versions from IE6 and up.
Biggest difference to other responsive slider plugins is the file size (1kb minified and gzipped) + that this one doesn't try to do everything.
ayaSlider is a flexible jQuery slider plugin that has such features;
StackSlider is a highly experimental jQuery image slider plugin that explores a different and fun viewing concept for thumbnails, utilizing CSS 3D transforms and perspective.
The idea is to navigate through two piles of images where the transition resembles an item being lifted off from the top of the stack and moved/rotated to the center of the container to be viewed. The previously viewed image falls on the opposite stack.
Blueberry is an experimental opensource jQuery image slider plugin which has been written specifically to work with fluid/responsive web layouts.