A simple tetris game built with using javascript, html and css. Pure, straightforward code without dependencies.
Philter is a jQuery plugin giving you the power to control CSS filters with HTML attributes.
A tutorial about creating a simple hamburger menu example using HTML, CSS and jQuery.
Marginotes takes your jQuery selection and adds notes to the margin with the text provided in HTML attributes.
Echo is able to read tables from a website or a html file and convert it to JSON or CSV. Perfect for saving data from a website and loading it into excel, database, etc.
Carbon is an extendable and beautiful rich text editor in the browser. It is inspired by Medium Editor.
It is built on top of an internal model for an article that clients can translate to and from JSON and HTML.
jPut is a small jQuey plugin which you can put your JSON as customized HTML format easily.It supports loading JSON via ajax.
A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. reveal.js comes with a broad range of features including nested slides, markdown contents, PDF export,speaker notes and a JavaScript API.
It's best viewed in a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms butfallbacks are available to make sure your presentation can still be viewed elsewhere.
Olly.js is a JavaScript library to convert URLs into embedable HTML.
jQuery A+ is an unobtrusive script that adds useful features to <a>
tags allowing webpages to maintain compatibility with HTML standards. The script syntax is compatible with all HTML / XHTML standards.
For example, you can create a link that opens a new window (like the target attribute) without invalidating the HTML code.
A tutorial about "Creating Google Play’s Multi-Level Navigation Menu".
This menu has smooth animation and let users peek at the root-level menu by simply hovering a back button. It's created with using HTML, CSS and jQuery.
Vortex is a jQuery plugin which displays HTML elements elliptically, optionally rotating them. You can put any kind of element, even inputs.
jQuery.my is a jQuery plugin that allows real-time bi-directional binding between HTML controls and native javascript objects. Non-interactive HTML elements also can be tied with javascript objects to reflect their values in real-time.
jQuery.my allows comprehensive validation and conditional formatting of HTML inputs and static fields. Plugin recalculates and redraws interdependent controls automatically.
This plugin creates vertical mega menus from standard HTML nested lists, allowing users to view all available menu options for each top-level menu item.
There are several plugin options available for customising the mega menu:
* Choose animation effect for the flyout menu – show/hide, fade in or slide
* Set animation speed
* Set number of sub-menus per row Display the flyout mega menu on the left or right depending on the menu position
The jQuery Mega Drop Down Menu plugin takes any standard HTML nested lists and turns them into horizontal mega menus.
Mega Menu Plugin Features
* Hover/Click – Select whether you would like the menu to activate using hover or click
* Items Per Row – Select the number of sub-menu items to be shown on each row of the mega menu
* Animation Effect – The effect used to display the sub-menus – options are; fade in or slide down
* Animation Speed – The speed at which the dropdown menu will open/close