A tutorial about creating a set of link hover effects that reveal a thumbnail in different creative ways.
A tutorial about creating a fullscreen loop effect that shows a fast preview of images when hovering a special menu item. The animations are made using TweenMax
A tutorial about creating retro-style grid layout with a playful motion hover effect on the grid items. When clicking on a grid item, a content preview opens.
A tutorial about createing some menu link hover effects for your inspiration. Powered by CSS and JavaScript for individual letter animations.
A couple of ideas for typography animations and letter (hover) effects for playful interactions. Anime.js is used to create animations.
A cool moving background effect when hovering an image by using css and javascript.
Some ideas for hover animations with a fancy tilt effect by using CSS and javascript.
jQuery.aim is a jQuery plugin which guesses which element user is going to be hovered/clicked.
In this tutorial you ll create really cool hover effect. You ll be using SVG for the shape and Snap.svg for animating it on hover.
The idea is to create a SVG with one path that represents the shape background for some caption and to morph that path into another one on hover
SlipHover is a jQuery plugin to apply direction aware hover animation to images or any other elements.
A tutorial about Creating Pentagon Hover Effect by using CSS3 and jQuery. It smoothly meshes together a rotate effect with a slight nudge right to the image along with a colorization of the image.
In this tutorial you're going to create a horizontal portfolio layout with cool hover effects. CSS3 animations and transitions used for hover effect of the portfolio items, and some jQuery to replicate the image pan effect on hover.
Also there is falling down effect on scroll, where the portfolio items fall down as soon as they enter the visible area of the viewport.
Slickhover.js is a lightweight useful jQuery plugin that produces a slick and smooth hover effect that fades out images and shows a custom icon when a user hovers over an image.
randomizeColor is a jQuery plugin to randomize the text and / or background color on mouse over.
Blog Face is a new jQuery plugin that will build a brick-wall view for your blog home page. All you need to do is specify your blog URL in your javascript. More recent articles will be better positioned and will have a better size.
Additionally, every article on the interface will have a zoom on mouse hover effect. This zoom effect can be toggled at run time by pressing "b".