Flex is a fluid asymmetrical animated grid plugin for jQuery. Flex is an idea inspired by the old flash homepage on Adidas.com.
HTML5 Sortable is a jQuery plugin to create sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
Handsontable is a minimalistic approach to Excel-like table editor in HTML & jQuery. Now with column and row headers.
Mosaiqy is a jQuery plugin for viewing and zooming photo working on Opera 9+, Firefox 3.6+, Safari 3.2+, Chrome and IE7+. Photos are retrieved from a JSON/JSONP data structure and randomly moved inside the grid. All expensive animations are taken over by your GPU on recent browsers using CSS3 transitions, minimizing the CPU overhead.
Wookmark plugin lays out a series of elements in a dynamic column grid. It detects the size of the window and automatically organizes the boxes into columns. Resize your browser to see the layout adjust.
With Grid Navigation Effects using jQuery, you will learn ten ways how to navigate through a set of thumbnails and how to apply the effect.
Here are some example effects;
Default (show/hide), Fade, Sequential fade, Move/fade, Sequential move/fade, Sequential move/fade reversed, Resize (show/hide), Disperse, Rows move, Sequential move/fade.
Combogrid, like autocomplete, when added to an input field, enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, but in a tabular and paginated manner. Combogrid provides keyboard navigation support for selecting an item.
Combogrid is a solution to manage big data set, the source is only reached dynamically through Ajax callbacks specifying a URL. It can be integrated with any server-side technology.
Lightweight but rich data grid with resizable columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to connect to an xml based data source using Ajax to load the content.