Scrolling Letters Animation is a switching title effect where a fixed text element changes with an animation depending on the scroll position by using CSS and anime.js
A tutorial about creating grid item animation where the thumbnail scales up when the details view is opened by using CSS animations and javascript.
A tutorial about creating some layouts with sliced background images, slideshow functionality and glitch effect by using CSS and javascript.
Pageguide.js is an interactive, responsive, and smart guide for web page elements using jQuery and CSS3. Works great for dynamic pages and single-page apps as well as static pages.
A simple morphing page transition effect where an SVG path gets morphed into another while the current page moves up.
Anime.js used for the animations and Charming.js used for some letter effects.
A couple of ideas for typography animations and letter (hover) effects for playful interactions. Anime.js is used to create animations.
Ember Burger Menu is an off-canvas sidebar component with a collection of animations and styles using CSS transitions.
Mirror effect as seen around web, the idea is to mirror an image and animate it within the context of a slideshow.
A tutorial about creating card deck style dropdown by using CSS3 transitions and jQuery.
A portfolio template, with a filter that triggers the rotation of 3D sections by using CSS and jQuery.
Scrollanim is a CSS3 and JavaScript library to create stunning scroll animations that work everywhere.
It's open-source (MIT), free and easy to use.
Radial SVG Slider is a simple, responsive slider, with a radial transition effect powered by SVG clipPath and mask elements.
A tutorial about creating an ink bleed transition effect, powered by CSS animations and jQuery
An experimental tutorial where a 3D perspective preview is shown for a selected seat in a cinema room by using CSS3 and javascript.
The purpose of tutorial is to have "realistic" preview of the seat that you selected.
A tutorial about creating Multi Step Form with Progress Bar using jQuery and CSS3. You can change your classic long forms into smaller logical sections and convert it into a multi-step form with a cool progress bar. Could work for lengthy processes like registration, checkout, profile fillups, 2-factor authentication logins, etc.