A tutorial about creating 4 different menu animations for menu button toggle between dots, cross and back icon.
A lightweight library that can be used for bursting particles effects for button. The idea is to disintegrate an element into particles and make it disappear (or vice versa).
A nice code snippet about creating material design expanding action button menu by using jQuery and css.
Bootstrap File Input plugin standardizes the file input field to look like a Bootstrap button in all browsers.
jQuery BBQ enables simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event.
In addition, jQuery BBQ provides a full jQuery.deparam() method, along with both fragment and query string parse and merge utility methods.
Ladda buttons concept for Bootstrap. Buttons with built-in loading indicators, effectively bridging the gap between action and feedback.
This plugin you can hide any div behind a Quantum [Paper] Button or Qutton.
Quantum Paper is a digital paper that can change its size, shape and color to accomodate new content. Quantum paper is part of Google's Material Design.
socialShare.js is a jQuery plugin to provide more control on social sharing buttons. Do the styling without worrying about the javascript implementation.
A jQuery plugin to create social media share button with share count.
ClassyPaypal is a jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly add stylish PayPal payment buttons to your website for instant and secure payments.
Ladda is a javascript library to create buttons with built-in loading indicators , effectively bridging the gap between action and feedback.
Primarily intended for use with forms where it gives users immediate feedback upon submit rather than leaving them wondering while the browser does its thing.
Ladda can be use with both jQuery and javascript.
Rippler is an effect that spreads like a wave in touch or click. You can also use the buttons on the Bootstrap.
MAWButton.js is a ripple button inspired by Google material design.
Add Clear is a jQuery plugin that adds a input clearing button on any input you apply it to. It clears the value, and returns focus to that field.
Loda Button jQuery plugin that animates the button icon with CCS3 when loading data from the server.
The animation is created using CSS3's animation, transitions and transforms, which are supported by Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and IE10.