Ola is a smooth animation library for inbetweening / interpolating numbers in realtime.
Sal.js (Scroll Animation Library) is a performance focused, lightweight scroll animation library, written in vanilla JavaScript. It's based on the Intersection Observer.
Liike is a minimalistic javascript library to create performant custom JS tweens no matter what you're tweening.
AniX is a lightweight and easy-to-use animation library with excellent performance and good compatibility for modern browsers.
Anime is a flexible yet lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with CSS, Individual Transforms, SVG, DOM attributes and JS Objects.
Dynamics.js is a JavaScript library to create physics-based animations.
You can animate CSS properties of any DOM element. You also can animate SVG properties and any JavaScript object.
snabbt.js is a minimalistic javascript animation library. It focuses on moving things around. It will translate, rotate, scale, skew and resize your elements. By including matrix multiplication operations, transforms can be combined in any way you want. The end result is then set via CSS3 transform matrices.