Progress Nav is an animated progress bar that highlights sections of a page that are currently in view.
ProgressBarWars.js is a tiny(Star Wars Tribute) jQuery plugin that allows you to display an animated horizontal progress meter.
A tutorial on how to write a CSS3 progress bar and add some cool animation, along with a jQuery counter.
ProgressBar.js is a beautiful and responsive progress bars with animated SVG paths.
With ProgressBar.js, it's easy to create arbitrary shaped progress bars. This library provides a few built-in shapes like Line, Circle and Square but you can also create your own progress bars with Illustrator or any vector graphic editor.
An animated progress bar that updates the progress based on how far scrolled you are into a content section.
ProBars is a stylish progress bars that animate as they enter the viewport.
Fort.js is a modern progress bar for form completion. All you do is add the form and Fort.js algorithm will take care of the rest.
Goal Progress plugin allows you to create an animated progress bar using jQuery. Just fill in the required input and the plugin calculates the progress of your goal and animates the bar. You can specify text to put before and after the amount raised.