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Photobox – CSS3 Image Gallery jQuery Plugin

December 25, 2012     4355     Gallery CSS3 & CSS Zoom
Photobox – CSS3 Image Gallery jQuery Plugin

Photobox is a lightweight image gallery modal window script which uses CSS3 heavily for silky-smooth animations and transitions. The goal was to great an image gallery script that utilizes GPU rending instead is the 90% scripts out there which are using javascript to move things around the old fashioned way.

Supports: Firefox, Chrome and IE9+ (works in an ugly way which the users deserve)


  • Both the script & CSS are only 7k each (minified script, not gziped)
  • Uses silky-smooth, hardware accelerated, CSS3 transitions and animations (for better performance)
  • Pretty UI and easy UX
  • CSS3 preloader, tailored-made. The only image you need is the arrow.png (soon even not that)
  • Works also on IE9 and above, but clearly not as nice as in normal browsers
  • Uses event-delegation on all thumbnails events

What can Photobox do

  • Images can be zoomed in and out with mousewheel and navigated using mousemove to move around
  • Bottom row of thumbnails, navigated by mouse movment
  • Shows the image's 'alt' or 'title' attribute text at the bottom
  • Indicate the index of the current viewed image in relation to the total, like so: (36/100)
  • Supports looping after first and last images
  • Supports keyboard keys for navigation and closing the gallery view

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