MiniRefresh is a graceful HTML5 drop-down refresh plugin. No dependency, high performance, multi themes support and easy to expand.
Lozad.js is advanced performant Lazy Loader using Intersection Observer API.
It is written with an aim to lazy load images, ads, videos or any other element using the recently added Intersection Observer API with tremendous performance benefits.
Basic Stepper is a jQuery plugin to change a common input text to a friendly user component.
You can use the mouse to increase or decrease the value. Just slide on the X-Axis to interact with the input value.
Rangy is a cross-browser JavaScript range and selection library.
Rangy also comes with optional modules, each of which comes in a separate .js file.
Picostyle is ultra lightweight CSS-in-JS library. Picostyle works well with Media Queries, Pseudo-element and Pseudo-classes.
InfiniteList is a 60fps infinite scrollable list with javascript for mobile devices.
ScrollerJS is a javascript library that helps you build performant UI components for the web.
Lena.js is a javascript library for image processing.
Current filters:
gaussian, grayscale, highpass, invert, laplacian, prewitt, rgb, roberts, saturation, sepia, sharpen, sobel, thresholding, lowpass 3x3, lowpass 5x5
jwerty is a javascript library that allows you to bind, fire and assert key combination strings against elements and events.
Pageguide.js is an interactive, responsive, and smart guide for web page elements using jQuery and CSS3. Works great for dynamic pages and single-page apps as well as static pages.
P-Loading is a powerful jQuery plugin, for faster and easier web development, which allows you to have a main loading mask platform that is able to use many different spinners by installing P-Loading add-ons.
Bridget makes a jQuery plugin out of a constructor. It's based off of the jQuery UI widget factory.
Alton is a jQuery-powered scrolling plugin that utilizes custom vertical scrolling effects in order to present and navigate through web content in a unique manner.
fuzzysort is a fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript. It's open source.
Tabella.js is a pure javascript, touch enabled, responsive table plugin. Table header is fixed only when at least some part of the table is in the viewport.