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Minutes of Javascript – Collection of Useful Javascript Snippets

April 06, 2021     1103    
Minutes of Javascript – Collection of Useful Javascript Snippets

Minutes of Javascript is a collection of Javascript snippets to make you discover new exciting features, useful tips or anything that will give you a better understanding of the subtleties of JS.

  1. Switch statement vs Object Search
  2. .map() & .reduce()
  3. Methods for merging (aka concatenating) arrays
  4. Using Map() vs Object literals
  5. Weakmap()
  6. Sets in ES6
  7. Promises
  8. Promises Part 2.
  9. Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled
  10. Promise.race
  11. Proxies Part 1. introduction
  12. Proxies Part 2. (with Reflect)
  13. Proxies Part 3. makeReadOnly example
  14. flat() and flatMap()
  15. Fun with Emoji!
  16. Some bizarre things in Javascript
  17. Breaking in nested loops
  18. EventEmitter
  19. How to implement a local EventEmitter? (part 1.)
  20. How to implement a local EventEmitter? (part 2.)
  21. Using "_" in numbers for better readability
  22. Array: .map() vs .filter() vs .reduce()
  23. Generator function* and yield usage
  24. Usage of switch (true), an example with numeric ranges
  25. Symbols: property keys without name collisions
  26. The void operator

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