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layerJS – Javascript UI Composition Framework

May 07, 2018     1245    
layerJS – Javascript UI Composition Framework

layerJS is an open source Javascript UI/UX library allowing intuitive, visually intense, mobile app-like experiences for web apps and websites.

Features Universal: One library for all UX patterns. Slider, Popups, Accordeon, Menu, Parallax, (Touch) Gestures, etc.

Pure HTML: Layout your interface with HTML attributes and define interaction with Links

Plays with: Angular, VueJS, React, jQuery. Use your framework to modify frame content or generate frames dynamically.

All designs: Totally design agnostic. layerJS just provides the navigation effects while leaving the design up to you.

Lean: 30kb minimized gezipped. No dependencies.

Responsive: Works on mobile or desktop. Use your choice of mediaqueries. Adds even more options to fit content to different screens.

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