JSDoc is an API documentation generator for JavaScript. You add documentation comments directly to your source code, right alongside the code itself. The JSDoc tool will scan your source code and generate an HTML documentation website for you.
Some of the more popular annotation tags used in JSDoc :
Tag | Description |
@author | Developer's name |
@constructor | Marks a function as a constructor |
@deprecated | Marks a method as deprecated |
@exception | Synonym for @throws |
@exports | Identifies a member that is exported by the module |
@param | Documents a method parameter; a datatype indicator can be added between curly braces |
@private | Signifies that a member is private |
@returns | Documents a return value |
@return | Synonym for @returns |
@see | Documents an association to another object |
@todo | Documents something that is missing/open |
@this | Specifies the type of the object to which the keyword this refers within a function. |
@throws | Documents an exception thrown by a method |
@version | Provides the version number of a library |