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jQuery Toast Plugin

May 06, 2016     8289     Others
jQuery Toast Plugin

Toast is a jQuery plugin to show highly customizable notifications to the user.


  • Show different types of toasts i.e. informational, warning, errors and success
  • Customtoast background colorandtext color
  • Ability tohack the CSSto add your own thing
  • Text can beprovided in the form ofEvents supporti.e.beforeHide,afterHidden,beforeShow,afterShown
    • Array(It's elements will be changed to an un ordered list)
    • Simple text
    • HTML
  • FadeandSlideshow/hide transitions support (More to come)
  • Supports showing the loader for the toast
  • You canposition the toast, wherever you wantthere is support fortop-left,top-rightbottom-leftandbottom-right,top-center,bottom-centerandmid-center...sighs! That's a whole lot of options, isn't it? No, you say. Ok then here is the most exciting thing, you can also introduceyour own positioningjustby passing a simple js objectcontaining{ top: - , bottom: -, left: -, right: - }
  • Ability to addsticky toast
  • Optionalstack length can be defined(i.e. maximum number of toasts that can be shown at once)

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