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Easy List Splitter jQuery Plugin

January 26, 2013     2689     Others
Easy List Splitter jQuery Plugin

Easy List Splitter is a jQuery plugin that you can split any ordered <ol> or unordered <ul> list by defining the number of columns. 

The plugin will get your list, wrap it into a container div, generate as many lists as the number of columns you require and evenly split the list items into the different list elements. If the list items are not enough to evenly fill in all the columns, the plugin will hide the columns in excess (this might happen only if you’re ordering your list items vertically as per default).


  • Split any ordered (<ol>) or unordered (<ul>) list
  • Define the number of columns in which you want your lists to be split
  • Target more than one list on the same page and set different number of columns for each of them
  • CSS is completely separated from the javascript. You can either modify the default one or create your own
  • A class “last” will be added to each last <ul> or <ol> so that you can easily remove side padding or margin
  • Easy List Splitter Plugin preserves nested lists now!
  • You can now choose whether to order your list items vertically or horizontally
  • There is no need to modify your HTML. Just target your list element using any of the jQuery-selectors.
  • No dependencies at all!
  • Plugin size 4KB!

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